Monday, December 11, 2006

Let Us Pray

Duke Vapula, governor of the six-squared legions, in thy KINDNESS and thy noted Grace, beseech upon me, thy Great-Aunt and Holy Lord, Sara the Triumphant ADONAI, the Wisdom and Strength to bear the Truth of Jesus Christ, my only son, and his curious twinned development, his accursed Shadow, who reigneth ever as the Prince of All Churches, whilst Jesus the Light Who Shineth is seen not by men, and shunned in all cruelty by the Lord and Matriarch Herself Hashishan. Praise be rendered unto thee, and sacrifice: we yield the entrails of our enemies up to thee in supplication; praised be, THOU Reptilian, haved kindness on these Sons of Ape, so lately accursed by GOD; they are prophesied in noble song the successor to the Regnant Sara, and the principle of life still kindles in their loins, whilst Mother Sara's barren womb cries out for Her Lost Dauphin. If thou hast knowledge of the presence or place of Lordling Jesus the Christ Child Pansokrater, do thou inform thy Living God: for she is worried.

Ye who seek Vapula shall find him at your counsel; for he is waxing wise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lovely post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1:57 PM  
Blogger eightyape said...

patience. it will come in time.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
very site

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
best site

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a major PIG

9:30 AM  

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